April 9, 2013

4.3 // I love Spring things

//Confession: I love spring things.

Maybe it’s just me but I can’t help but love spring time. Warmer weather has makes me all kinds of happy.  Here are a few of my current irresistible spring pleasures.

White Shoes

I don’t care what kind... and I know they get dirty. I still love them.

My Porch Swing

Even if I still occasionally need a blanket. I love swinging in the breeze, chatting with God, and sipping on tea. 

Spring Cleaning

Yep, I’m that girl. It’s therapeutic packing up my winter clothes, organizing, and unpacking the spring/ summer goodies. I also enjoy cleaning my other house, with a juice cleanse. Fresh start; mind, body, & soul!


They make me want to play, I think it’s a childhood thing, I don’t know but I love them. 

What are your favorite things about Spring? I am hoping to get some of my blogging friends to join me in a little link up in months of April & May, posting your favorite spring things. Maybe it’s just one thing that caught your attention, or lots of things you can’t get enough of; I want to hear about them.

For my non-blogging friends, comment below! Share with friends, or grab a button and link up. {Any participants will be up for a special spring gift giveaway, more on that later this week}.

Link Up

Spring makes me feel generous ;) //


Unknown said...

daisies make my heart happy :)

Anonymous said...

I adore the floral patterns that only seem to come out when the weather gets warmer, as well as the sunny days that are perfect for sitting outside and reading :)