April 16, 2013

4.6 // I love Spring things [2]

// Confession: I love Spring things [2]

Season have always been a fascination of mine, which is sort of ironic considering I have lived in Florida my entire life, where season do not exist. Maybe that's the reason for my current infatuation with all things Spring. Six months of cold could also be a contributing factor.

This weeks favorites:

Flowering trees

Instead of green, I look up and see whites and pinks. It’s a lovely thing.

Longer days

Sun rises on my way to the gym, and stays up long enough for me to watch it set on walks with my pup at night. I love that.


I am no green thumb but during the temperature change and budding of new life around me, it’s difficult to not want to watch something grow.

Vitamin D

Yep, a bit of reading in the sunshine is just what the doctor order for me. I may not have a sandy beach anymore but the sun is enough to warm my heart and remind me of home.

What are your favorite things about Spring? I want to hear about them. Link up or comment to be eligible to win a Love Me Accessory or Scarf in the Spring giveaway!

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